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1.Zou, N., Wang, J. and Chang, G-L, “ATIS Application: Field Test of a Travel-Time Prediction System with Widely Spaced Detectors” (出行者服务应用:使用较少检测器的交通行驶时间系统的系统测试), Transportation Research Record, 2009SCIEI收录)(In Press 出版中)

2.Wang, J., Zou, N. and Chang, G-L, “Empirical Analysis of Missing Data Issues for ATIS Applications: Travel Time Prediction”(应用于智能高级行车信息系统中的缺失数据经验分析), Transportation Research Record, 2008SCIEI收录)

3.Zou, N., Yeh, S-H, Chang, G-L, Marquess, A. and Zezeski, M, “Simulation-Based Emergency Evacuation System for Ocean City, Maryland, During Hurricanes”(基于交通仿真的飓风紧急疏散系统:马里兰州海洋城), Transportation Research Record 1922, pp 138-148, 2005 SCIEI收录)

4.Kang, K-P, Chang, G-L and Zou, N. “Optimal Dynamic Speed-Limit Control for Highway Work Zone Operations”(针对高速公路管理的最优动态限速控制方法), Transportation Research Record, no. 1877, pp.77-84, 2004SCIEI收录)


1.Zou, N., Li, Z., and Chang, G-L, “Eva495-3D: A Real-Time Optimization, Prediction And Visualization System For Evacuation Operations” EVA495三维版:为紧急疏散提供实时优化、预测与可视化服务的系统), 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, New York City, US, 2008

2.Zou, N., Wang, J., and Chang, G-L, “A Reliable Hybrid Prediction Model for Real-time Travel Time Prediction with Widely Spaced Detectors” (使用少量布设的交通检测器进行可靠的实时交通行驶时间预测), the 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Beijing, China 2008 EI收录)

3.Zou, N., Wang , J. and Chang, G-L, “A Hybrid Model for Reliable Travel Time Estimation on a Freeway with Sparsely Distributed Detectors”(在大间距布设的交通检测环境中使用组合模型估计交通行驶时间), 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Beijing, China, 2007

4.Zou, N., Wang, J. and Chang, G-L, “Development of a Hybrid System for Real-time Travel Time Prediction: A Demonstration Project for I-70 in Maryland”(交通行驶时间预测组合模型:马里兰州联邦70号高速公路试点项目), International Conference on Computer Science, Beijing,China, 2007

5.Zou, N., Wang, J. and Chang, G-L, “Development of ARAMPS: a Real-time Travel Time Prediction Demonstration Project for I-70 in Maryland”ARAMPS系统的开发建立:美国70号联邦高速公路上的实时交通行驶时间预测), International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2007 EI收录)

6.Zou, N. and Wang, J., “A Video-based Method for Evaluating Traffic Data from Detectors,”(采用视频方法评估交通检测器的数据质量) 9th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology, Chicago, USA 2006 EI收录)

7.Liu, Y., Zou, N. and Chang, G-L, “An Integrated Emergency Evacuation System for Real-time Operations -- A Case Study of Ocean City, Maryland under Hurricane Attacks”(为实时运营管理服务的集成式紧急疏散系统:美国马里兰州海洋城应对飓风袭击之案例), IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2005 EI收录)

8.Lin, P-W, Zou, N. and Chang, G-L, “Integration of a Discrete Choice Model and a Rule-Based System for Estimation of Incident Duration: a Case Study in Maryland,”(结合离散选择模型与基于规则的分析系统估测交通事故持续时间:马里兰州案例研究) 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D. C., 2004.

9.Liu, Y., Lin, P-W., Zou, N., Chang, G-L, and Point-du-Jour, J. Y., “Emergency Incident Management, Benefits and Operational Issues – a Performance and Benefits Evaluation of CHART,” (紧急事故管理、收益以及运营问题:CHART系统的性能和收益评估分析) IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004 EI收录)

10.Zou, N., Lin, P-W, Lai, X., Chang, G-L, and Rahwanji, S., “Development of An Integrated Network Simulator for a Real-Time Traffic Management: I-95/US-1 Traffic Simulator,”(为实时交通管理开发的集成式交通网络仿真系统:联邦95号高速和1号联邦公路系统) 8th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering , Beijing, China, 2004.

11.Zou, N. and Chang, G-L, “I-270 Simulator: Integrated Knowledge-Base and Simulation System for Real-Time Incident Management”(美国270号联邦高速公路的实时事故管理系统:结合专家库和交通仿真的集成系统), 82nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D. C., 2003

12.Petrov, A., Lin, P-W, Zou, N, Chang, G-L, and Point-du-Jour, J. Y., “Evaluation of the Benefits of a Real-Time Incident Response System,”(实时事故响应系统的效益评估) 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Chicago, Illinois, 2002.


Zou, N., “Real Time Travel Time Predictions for the I-70 Corridor”(美国联邦70号高速公路的实时交通行驶时间预测), invited speaker at 2008 Maryland Quality Initiative Conference, 2008


1.Zou, N., and Chang, G-L, “An Integrated Work-Zone Computer System for Capacity Estimation, Cost/Benefit Analysis, and Design of Control”(针对施工路段的通行能力估测、成本效益分析和控制设计的综合系统), Maryalnd State Highway Administration Report, 2009

2.Zou, N., and Chang, G-L, “ITS Applications in Work Zones to Improve Traffic Operations and Performance Measurements”(为提高施工路段运营和效率估计的智能交通应用), Maryalnd State Highway Administration Report, 2008

3.Zou, N., Wang, J. and Chang, G-L, “Development of A Hybrid System for Real-time Travel Time Prediction”(实时交通行驶时间预测的组合型系统), Maryland State Highway Administration Report, 2007

4.Zou, N., Liu Y., Lai, X. and Chang, G-L, “Integration of Detector Data, Archive Information and Simulation for Reliable Estimation of Travel Time”(检测器数据、历史信息以及交通仿真的结合用以提高交通行驶时间估计的可靠性), Maryland State Highway Report, 2004

5.Chang, G-L., Xiang, H., Liu, Y., Lin, P-W., Zou, N., , S. Rochon, and J. Point-du-Jour, “Performance Evaluation of CHART (The Real-Time Incident Management Team) Year 2003”(实时交通事故管理团队CHART的性能评估报告,2004年), Maryland State Highway Report, 2004.

6.Zou, N. and Chang, G-L, “I-95/Route-1 Simulator: An Intelligent Online Traffic Management System”95号联邦高速与1号联邦公路仿真系统:智能在线型的交通管理系统), Maryland State Highway Administration Report, 2003

7.Chang G-L, Liu, Y., Lin, P-W, Zou, N. and Point-du-Jour, J., “Performance Evaluation of CHART (The Real-Time Incident Management Team) Year 2002”(实时交通事故管理团队CHART的性能评估报告,2002年), Maryland State Highway Report, 2003.

8.Chang G-L, Lin, P-W, Zou, N. and Point-du-Jour, J., “Performance Evaluation of CHART (The Real-Time Incident Management Team) Year 2001” (实时交通事故管理团队CHART的性能评估报告,2001年), Maryland State Highway Report, 2003.

9.Chang G-L, Petrov, A., Lin, P-W, Zou, N. and Point-du-Jour, J., “Performance Evaluation of CHART (The Real-Time Incident Management Team) Year 2000” (实时交通事故管理团队CHART的性能评估报告,2000年), Maryland State Highway Report, 2002.



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