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作者:范金林   来源:技术转移中心   浏览次数:
[1] Ontology-based schema matching method in web query interface integration.Yan, Zhongmin (School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University); Li, Qingzhong; Cao, Luhui; Kong, Lanju; Dong, Yongquan; Ding, Yanhui Source: Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), v 24, n 3, September, 2008, p 385-388
[2] An Ontology-based integration of web query interfaces for house search. Yan, Zhongmin (School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University); Li, Qingzhong; Dong, Yongquan; Ding, Yanhui Source: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2008, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2008, 2008, p 190-194.
[3] An ontology-based model for context-aware. Zhongmin, Yan (School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University); Qingzhong, Li; Hui, Li Source: SPCA 2006: 2006 First International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Proceedings, SPCA 2006: 2006 First International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Proceedings, 2007, p 647-651.
[4] A Deep Web Data Integration Model for Pervasive Computing. Yan, Zhongmin; Li, Qingzhong; Dong, Yongquan; Cao, Luhui; Pan, Peng; Pervasive Computing and Applications, 2008. ICPCA 2008. Third International Conference on Volume 1, 6-8 Oct. 2008 Page(s):414 - 417
[5] MI-WDIS: Web data integration system for Market Intelligence. Yan, Zhongmin ; Li, Qingzhong ; Zhang, Shidong ; Peng, Zhaohui ; Dong, Yongquan ; Ding, Yanhui ; Zhang, Yongxin ; Xu, Xiuxing. CIKM'10 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management and Co-located Workshops,October 26, 2010 - October 30, 2010,p 1957-1958
[6] A query interface judging approach based on ensemble learning.Yan, Zhongmin ; Li, Qingzhong; Cheng, Meng; Huang, Qiuyan Source: Journal of Computational Information Systems, v 8, n 3, p 1265-1273, March 2012.

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