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电话:0531-88362318 传真: E-Mailkongjian@sdu.edu.cn


        起止时间              毕业院校               专业

博士  1997.9-2000.6             山东大学               微生物学

硕士  1988.9-1992.6             山东大学               微生物学

本科  1982.9-1986.6             山东大学               微生物学

     1999.4-2001.7        丹麦皇家畜牧与农业大学      乳品科学


       起止时间                单位名称             专业技术职务

2002.9--至今               山东大学                 博士生导师

2001.9--至今               山东大学                 教授

1997.9-2001.9              山东大学                 副教授

1992.9-1997.9              山东大学                 讲师

1986.7-1992.9              山东大学                 助教






1.  2012.1--2016.12    畜禽肠道健康新产品及评价技术    国家科技支撑计划 (2012BAD39B01)

2.  2012.1--2016.12   乳杆菌噬菌体裂解素和穿孔素功能解析  国家自然基金(31271905

3.  2011.1--2015.12   乳酸菌代谢工程及调控技术研究国家863 2011AA100902

4.  2011.1--2013.12 人工启动子库的建立及其对乳酸乳球菌丙酮酸代谢途径的优化  国家自然基金(31070091

5.  2011.1--2013.12 乳酸菌菌种资源库的建立及优良乳品发酵剂的高密度发酵技术   省科技计划(20100131110035)


1. Zhilan Sun,Jian Kong*, Shumin Hu, Wentao Kong, Wenwei Lu, Wei Liu. Characterization of a S-layer protein from Lactobacillus crispatus K313 and the domains responsible for binding to cell wall and adherence to collagen. ApplMicrobiolBiotechnol, 2013. 97:1941–1952. (IF 3.425)

2. Longyun Fu,Jian Kong*, Zhilan Sun,, Li Zhang, Xia Zhang, TingtingGuo. Enhancing the oxidative resistance of yoghurt starter bacteria with heterologous catalase expression in Streptococcus thermophilus. International Dairy Journal 30 (2013) 68-72. (IF 2.401)

3. Yi Xu, Jian Kong* and Wentao Kong.  Improved membrane protein expression in Lactococcuslactis by fusion to Mistic. Microbiology (2013), 159, 1002–1009.IF 3.061

4. Wenwei Lu,Jian Kong*, Wentao Kong.Construction and Application of a Food-Grade Expression System for Lactococcuslactis.Molecular biotechnology. 2013, 54:170–176•(IF 2.171)

5. Zhilan Sun, Lihua Huang,Jian Kong*, Shumin Hu, Xiaowei Zhang, Wentao Kong. In vitro evaluation of Lactobacillus crispatus K313 and K243: High-adhesion activity and anti-inflammatory effect on Salmonella braenderup infected intestinal epithelial cell. Veterinary Microbiology. 2012, 159 :212–220.  (IF 3.256)

6. TingtingGuo, Jian Kong*, Li Zhang, Chenchen Zhang, Shumin Hu.Fine Tuning of the Lactate and Diacetyl Production through Promoter Engineering in Lactococcuslactis.PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(4):1-10. (IF 4.411)

7. Hu S, Kong J*, Sun Z, Han L, Kong W, Yang P. Heterologous Protein Display on the Cell Surface of Lactic Acid Bacteria Mediated by the S-Layer Protein. Microb Cell Fact. 2011,28;10(1):86. IF 4.54

8. Xiuhong Zhang, Shaohua Wang, TingtingGuo, Jian Kong*. Genome analysis of Lactobacillus fermentum temperate bacteriophage ФPYB5. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2011, 144: 400–405. (IF 3.143)

9. Hu SM, Kong J*, Kong WT, Ji M. Characterization of a Novel LysM Domain from Lactobacillus fermentum Bacteriophage Endolysin and Its Use as an Anchor to Display Heterologous Proteins on the Surface of Lactic Acid Bacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2010,76(8):1752-1760 3.68

10. Wang SH, Kong J*, Gao C. Isolation and characterization of a novel virulent phage (phiLdb) of Lactobacillus delbrueckii. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2010, 137 : 22–2. (IF 3.143)



1. 绿色巴夫藻C20多不饱和脂肪酸延伸酶的核苷酸序列及应用, 2009.10, ZL20071007100152165

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